Articles on: Crypto to Cash Transactions

Onboard P2P Exchange Fees: Your Questions Answered

What does it cost to use Onboard's P2P Exchange?

It depends! Onboard P2P offers multiple ways to buy and sell crypto with cash:

InstantPay: For those who prioritize speed and convenience, InstantPay allows you to buy and sell crypto with cash instantly, without needing to interact with anyone. We charge a small fee of 0.5% for this service, which helps us cover the additional costs involved in facilitating these faster transactions.

Regular P2P: Using this payment option is free! However, please note that your bank or wallet might have its own fees for processing payments.

Are there any other fees involved?

When selling crypto with any method, you might encounter network fees (also known as gas fees). These are not Onboard fees but payments to the blockchain network itself, similar to a country's native currency needed to transact within its borders.

These fees vary depending on network traffic and are beyond our control. However, most networks supported by Onboard Exchange (Binance Smart Chain, Base, Polygon) have very low network fees. As little as $0.5 worth of their tokens are enough to process several transactions.

For more information on network fees, see our guide: What are gas fees, and why do I need to pay it?

Which option is right for me?

If speed and convenience are paramount, InstantPay offers the fastest way to buy and sell crypto with cash. Choose regular P2P if you don't mind waiting a bit longer to complete your order.

Additional Information:

How fast is InstantPay?

InstantPay transactions can be completed in as little as 3 minutes, while regular P2P can take longer as the merchant needs to send funds or confirm an incoming payment manually.

How do I identify InstantPay transactions?

Look for a yellow badge labeled "InstantPay ⚡️" on ads. This indicates that the transaction will be completed automatically.

What if my InstantPay transaction isn't completed automatically?

We always aim for fast completion of your InstantPay orders. To prevent delays and ensure a smooth InstantPay experience:

Use matching names: Make sure you’re sending from an account in your name.
Send exact amount: When buying crypto, ensure you send the exact cash amount displayed in the order details to the provided bank/wallet account.

💡 Sending from a 3rd party account, or not sending the exact transaction amount, may lead to your transfer requiring manual confirmation and increase your transaction completion time.

If you encounter a hitch, here's what you can do:

Contact the merchant: Use the "Contact" button within the order to reach the merchant directly.
Get help from Onboard: Our support team is here to assist! Email us at

If you have more questions, you can chat with us. We're just a click away.

Updated on: 20/02/2024

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