Articles on: Crypto to Cash Transactions

Why do I need to do KYC before buying and selling crypto on Onboard?

Onboard allows you to exchange crypto for cash via peer-to-peer trades with other users (aka merchants).

Because Onboard is peer-to-peer and decentralized (we don’t have access to any of your funds, even during trades), we need to take extra steps to ensure safety and security for our users, and prevent bad actors from the system. To make sure of this, we ask every transacting user to verify their identity.

To verify your account, you’ll need to provide a proof of ID (such as an international passport, driver’s license, or National ID), take a video selfie, and verify your phone number.

Verification usually takes a few minutes, and we guarantee the security & privacy of your data. If you’re having any issues with verifying your account, chat with us on our Help page and we’ll assist you promptly!

Updated on: 14/04/2023

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